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Mill air measurement incl. air purge device

The mill air measurements including air purging devices at the power plant boiler can be carried out with high accuracy by means of cross-over measurement, despite the very short straight pipelines.

Industry sector: Energy Industry

Cross-volume flow measurement of the mill air in a lignite-fired power plant of RWE

The existing measuring equipment on a coal-fired power plant boiler was to be replaced because the measurement results were not plausible and the existing flushing equipment was not fully functional. Since the customer had already made very good experiences with our measurements in the combustion air measurements, we were awarded the contract.

In a first step, the piping system was inspected by our experts. It was found that at no point the straight pipes required for a standard measurement were present. On the basis of these results, we decided together with the customer to design our SDF sensors as a so-called cross-over measurement. Since the flow profile is much better sampled in this method, very good measurement results can be achieved even with very short inlet and outlet stretches.

The second step was to analyze why the cleaning devices did not work with the existing measurements. The reason for this was quickly identified as the solenoid valve-based design, where leaks can lead to problems after only a short time. The new measuring devices were therefore equipped with our air purging devices type LSE-HD. Each SDF sensor was equipped with its own air purging device, whereby the air purging devices were programmed in such a way that only one SDF sensor is purged at a time. On the one hand, this ensures that there is always sufficient purge air available, and on the other hand - and this is even more important - that there is always a measured value available during the purge, even if it may be inaccurate during this time.

Conclusion: The measurements have now been running smoothly for more than a year. Implausible measurements and poor purging results are a thing of the past.

— Friedhelm Kremer
Managing Director S.K.I. GmbH

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