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Measurement of fuel gas quantities at gas turbines

For more than 10 years, our AccuFlo® LPD series instruments for measuring natural gas distribution have been ensuring the reliable use of gas turbines from a well-known manufacturer.

Industry sector: Energy Industry

Measurement of the mass flow of natural gas at gas turbines

It began in 2005 with a measurement of the pilot gas to monitor the long-term stability of the control valve used. Depending on the turbine type, up to 5 AccFlo® LPDs per turbine are now used to accurately measure all gas flows of the individual turbine stages.

While the quality requirements were naturally very high from the beginning, the accuracy requirements increased in the course of the cooperation due to the increasing importance of the measurements. The standard is now a system accuracy of 1% of the measured value and this for measuring ranges of up to 1:40, which must be verified for each individual measuring instrument as part of a calibration on an accredited test rig or as approved by the customer.

Over the years, more than 700 measuring points have been equipped to reliably deliver the required measurement results around the clock, thus contributing to the safe operation of gas turbines all over the world.

We are delighted to be making a contribution to the secure energy supply of many millions of people.

— Friedhelm Kremer
Managing Director S.K.I. GmbH

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